Healthy Pita chips with Hummus and babaganoush

Alight, I'm travelling through this parallel universe where I indulge in eating healthy! Its kind of ironic because I never thought that eating healthy food could give me so much pleasure and satisfaction. So I was wondering what it is that I could make for dinner yesterday night. I needed something that wouldn't take me that long to make and would be fuss free. 

If I'm making to look something on the healthier lines, I look towards the Mediterranean cuisine. They tend to have a very balanced palette, rich textures that are both nutritious and delicious. I ended up making healthy Pita chips with hummus and babaganoush yesterday. These can be eaten as a meal or as appetizers. I ate mine as dinner. Very hearty and filling and you'll know the reason why when you see the recipe! :) 

We'll be making Pita chips with whole wheat flour as opposed to all purpose flour. We won't be adding any yeast to it because we don't want the dough to puff up and rise, we just want chips. We will be using oil sparingly and flavouring the dough for a beautiful taste. 

For the Pita chips you'll need

3 cups Wheat flour
2 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil
Water as required to bring the dough together and make it pliable
1 tsp Oregano
1 tsp parsley (use fresh if available)
1 tsp black pepper
Pinch of love


Combine all the dry ingredients together, add oil and water and your love and knead to form a dough. The dough should be smooth when you're done with it. Knead it for about 10 minutes to activate the gluten. Rest it for 30 minutes. Meanwhile heat your oven at about 350F or 180C. 

Divide the dough in equal proportions and make balls. The dough should make around 5 balls. 

Roll out the balls till they are about 2-3 mm thick and around 10'' in diameter. Use dry flour so the dough doesn't stick while rolling out. Dust your baking tray lightly with flour. Cut the pita into wedges and place on the baking tray and into the oven. I placed the bread first into the baking tray and then cut into wedges, but then I found that it was easier to cut them and place them instead.  Bake for 5 mins on each side or till they are golden and crisp. Healthy, right?! :) Stack the pita chips and you're ready to serve with your favourite dips! The recipe to hummus and Babaganoush to follow.


  1. dont they remind anybody of khakhras !or maybe i havent had them in a while that's why i see them in everything! ~BM

  2. wonderful! i like your way to describe the whole recipe
    for more detail how to make mooli ka pharata at home


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